How to talk about what you like and dislike

like-dislike-e1364841893864-600x338Today’s post aims to help you increase the number of expressions you can use to talk about what you like and dislike. I’m going to ban the words ‘like’ and ‘dislike’ and present some alternatives that could be used instead.

This post might interest those of you who are planning to sit an oral exam where you need to show that you know more than one way to say the same thing in English. This will also prove very useful in avoiding repetitions.

Expressions similar to ‘I like’

Remember: pay attention to the prepositions used in the expressions below and remember that, when using a verb, you need to used a gerund after all these phrases (ing form). The rule is ‘always use a gerund after a preposition’.

To be keen on

She’s very keen on sports.

He’s very keen on cooking.

To be interested in

I’m interested in photography.

To be addicted to

My children are addicted to chocolate.

To be fond of

I’m fond of Mary. She’s such a good laugh!

To be crazy about

Paul is crazy about going to parties.

To be into

Mary is into French cinema.

To enjoy

I enjoy going to the cinema with you.

Expressions similar to ‘I dislike’

can’t stand

I really can’t stand Bea. She’s so selfish and vain!

can’t bear

I can’t bear the sight of meat. I’ve been a vegetarian since I was 10.

not to think much of

I didn’t think much of that movie. I wish we hadn’t been to the cinema to watch it.

to be fed up with

I’m so fed up with tidying the house.

to be sick/tired of

I’m sick of potatoes. We have been eating potatoes for days now!

The idea behind these last two phrases is that you’ve had enough of (doing) something.

And what if you’ve only just started to like something? Well, in that case the phrase you want to use it ‘to grow on someone‘:

Wine is growing on me.

In this case, the subject is the thing/activity you are talking about and not yourself.

Hope you’ve learnt some good alternatives to ‘like’ and ‘dislike’.

Talk soon!



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